Beehive Ginger

The plant is popular for its inflorescence. It needs a moist environment, the inflorescence is attractive in a garden and as a cut flower in floral arrangements.

Botanical Name - Zigiber spectabile

Common Name - Beehive ginger

Additional Info

Beehive ginger is erect, from 6-8 feet tall, and the inflorescences are basal.  The bracts are pale yellow in a young inflorescence, becoming red as it matures, especially if it gets some full sun.   It needs a moist environment, avoid the soil becoming totally dry. All parts of the plant have a strong gingery fragrance.  Attractive in the garden and as a cut flower.  Works great in floral arrangements when combined with heliconias and foliage. Fresh flower will last 7 to 10 days in clean water.

Flowering: From July through November.

Propagated by: Division, stem cuttings, and seeds.